Overlapping Publication Policy

The journal aligns with the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) guidelines on overlapping publication to maintain integrity and originality in scientific research. We strictly prohibit duplicate submission and publication, including prior or concurrent release of substantially similar work without clear reference to previous publication.

Duplicate Submission: Manuscripts should not be simultaneously submitted to multiple journals, minimizing disagreement and redundant peer review processes.

Duplicate and Prior Publication: Overlapping or prior publication without clear referencing is prohibited, ensuring the novelty and trustworthiness of published research.

Preprints: Preprints must be clearly identified as non-peer-reviewed and disclosed during submission. Authors are responsible for updating preprints to direct readers to subsequent versions.

Acceptable Secondary Publication: Secondary publications must respect the priority of primary versions, intended for distinct readerships, and transparently cite the primary publication.

Manuscripts Based on the Same Database: Manuscripts derived from the same data should offer substantial new insights, avoiding redundancy and ensuring appropriate citation of prior publications.