Plagiarism Policy

All submissions undergo Turnitin screening. IAHS accepts 19% similarity overall, limiting single-source matches to 5%. ICMJE, PMDC, and HEC guidelines are followed; authors must understand and avoid all forms of plagiarism. The same can be accessed at, and
Plagiarism cases are handled by the Liaquat college of medicine and dentistry's disciplinary committee. Identified plagiarism halts processing, demanding author explanation. Unresolved cases escalate to the committee for action. For published articles, temporary retraction and notice in IAHS occur, demanding author explanation. Failure results in permanent retraction, notifying HEC and the author's institute. Multiple submissions are reported to respective editors. Accusers must provide proof.
Authors are urged to use paraphrasing, citing sources properly. Detected plagiarism results in manuscript rejection. IAHS maintains a stringent stance against all forms of academic misconduct and upholds ethical standards in publishing